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Review: Stardom 5★STAR Grand Prix 2017 – Day 8 – 2017.9.16

Konami with a nice German suplex to Jungle Kyona.
Konami with a nice German suplex to Jungle Kyona.

Konami vs. Jungle Kyona
A great opener though very short. These two have great chemistry in the ring. The entire match was high-intensity back-and-forth with pretty much no rest. There was a nice German suplex by Konami before Jungle Kyona took over and hit the Hammer Throw Power Bomb for the win. Konami still has zero points in this tournament. 3.75/5  

Great kicks from Tam Nakano to Mandy Leon.
Great kicks from Tam Nakano to Mandy Leon.

Tam Nakano vs. Mandy Leon
A solid match. My only real problem with it was a couple of timing issues that resulted in Mandy Leon being close to a full foot away from one of Tam’s kicks but still reacting like she was hit. The rest of the match was fine but not spectacular except a couple of big kicks chained together by Tam that lookes really good. Mandy Leon pinned Tam Nakano after Astral Projection. 3/5

Toni Storm, Kay Lee Ray & Xia Brookside vs. Mari Apache, Natsuko Tora & Shiki Shibusawa
This was really messy at times. There was no real story or solid plan for the match and the lesser experienced wrestlers looked lost. The only glimpse of quality was when Kay Lee Ray & Mari Apache had maybe 30 seconds or so against each other. Toni Storm pinned Natsuko Tora after a piledriver. 1.5/5

Kris Wolf & Kagetsu wrestle with water.
Kris Wolf & Kagetsu wrestle with water.

Kris Wolf vs. Kagetsu
A match of two halves. The first half was a great comedy match with both taking turns to spit water in the other’s face followed by Kris Wolf encouraging half the front row of the crowd to chop Kagetsu. Once back in the ring the real wrestling started and was good quality for the most part. Both have had better technical matches but the match was entertaining throughout. Kagetsu pinned Kris Wolf. 3.75/5

Viper vs. Hana Kimura
A solid match though I thought the amount of time spent outside of the ring slightly hurt the flow of the match and held it back slightly. Though the interference from Oedo Tai made sense with Viper’s betrayal and all the action was engaging even if none of it really stood out. Viper pinned Hana Kimura. 3.25/5 

Mayu Iwatani vs. Io Shirai is always special.
Mayu Iwatani vs. Io Shirai is always special.

Queen’s Quest (Io Shirai, HZK & AZM) vs. Mayu Iwatani, Yoko Bito & Hiromi Mimura
A good match with a great last few minutes. It’s great to see Hiromi in such a big match and she did great again with her character work and comedy spots. It’s also great to see AZM starting to appear in bigger matches. She made a couple of small mistakes here but nothing major and did not look out of place. We saw a brief glimpse of Io vs. Mayu which is always fantastic and the end was great with Hiromi getting the pin on AZM for the win! 4/5


Konami vs. Jungle Kyona
Tam Nakano vs. Mandy Leon
Toni Storm, Kay Lee Ray & Xia Brookside vs Mari Apache, Natsuko Tora & Shiki Shibusawa
Kris Wolf vs. Kagetsu
Viper vs. Hana Kimura
Queen’s Quest vs. Mayu Iwatani, Yoko Bito & Hiromi Mimura


Not the best night of the Grand Prix but some solid matches and a great main event.

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