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Review: Stardom – 2018.03.28 – Dreamslam Day One

Nao Yamaguchi & Ruaka vs. Leo Onozaki & Hanan
This was very short but was fine. Both rookies did well again but there was nothing really of note in terms of offence. Ruaka pinned Leo Onozaki with a bridged fisherman’s suplex. 2/5

Queen’s Quest (HZK & AZM) vs. Kaori Yoneyama & Keneisha Moon vs.  Xia Brookside & Bea Priestley  vs. Mari Apache & Faby Apache vs. Team Jungle (Hiroyo Matsumoto & Natsuko Tora) (Tag Gauntlet)
Queen’s Quest vs. Kaori Yoneyama & Keneisha kicked this gauntlet match off with a new team entering each time a team is defeated. AZM & Kaori had a nice exchange but there wasn’t much to this first match. HZK pinned Keneisha Moon after a Michinoku Driver II.
Xia Brookside & Bea Priestley were next in. Xia was briefly in trouble before making a comeback and tagging in Bea. AZM & Bea worked really well together. AZM managed to lock in an octopus hold but as she transitioned to a pin Bea kicked out. Bea then hit AZM with some great kicks and eventually a powerbomb and a big kick the back of the head to get the pin.
Mari & Faby Apache were next in and immediately hit the double Mexican surfboard. They hit a double team move then Mari submitted Xia Brookside with a torture rack.
Team Jungle were the final entrants. This was by far the best mini-match in the gauntlet but it was still too short overall. It was great to see Hiroyo go up against the Apache sisters and Natsuko Tora impressed by not looking out of place in the ring with three legends. Faby Apache pinned Natsuko Tora after a pedigree for the win. 3.25/5

Shiki Shibusawa vs. Starlight Kid (Future of Stardom Title)
Looking ahead at future booking it’s clear why AZM vs. Kid was not chosen as the inaugural Future of Stardom title match but I can’t help but feel that, at what was one of Stardom’s biggest shows, the fact they did not decide to but on the best possible match is a little disappointing. However, Shiki has improved a tremendous amount over the last six months and worked well with Kid to put on a decent match. Both worked hard and made no mistakes, but Starlight Kid felt like she was held back from really showing what she can do. Starlight Kid pinned Shiki Shibusawa after a spinning frog splash to become the inaugural Future of Stardom champion. 2.5/5

After the match Starlight Kid announced that her match with AZM on April 1st will now be a title match.

Natsumi vs. Io Shirai
Knowing the history of Io and the Apache family in Mexico it is easier to see why Natsumi’s debut match is against Io Shirai, though it is still a little surprising. Overall this was a very impressive debut. She did look a lot more nervous than the other two debutantes this month but she also offered far more offence and it’s pretty obvious she has a lot more raw ability. Highlights included a sunset flip into a pin attempt and an attempted Frankensteiner which Io countered into a powerbomb. Natsumi’s timing and ring awareness need a lot of work but from what she showed in this match she has incredible potential and it should be a pleasure to watch her develop over the next couple of years. Io Shirai pinned Natsumi after a moonsault for the win. 2.75/5

Hiromi Mimura & Konami vs. Momo Watanabe & Jungle Kyona
This was Hiromi’s retirement match and was a showcase of everything that has been great about her in Stardom, and in particular over the last 18 months. She showed incredible passion and personality throughout as well as a very solid wrestling performance, but it is her great comedic creativity and timing that have really made her one of the most consistent performers in Stardom. The match had several comedy spots, including a segment where the entire roster attacked Hiromi in the corner. The rest of the match participants contributed a lot too, with Jungle Kyona in particular showing great intensity and really making the match feel alive with her stiff strikes. Jungle Kyona eventually pinned Hiromi Mimura after a Hammer Throw Powerbomb. 4/5

After the match was Hiromi’s retirement ceremony. She gave a great speech and also got a lot of laughs. It is sad to see Hiromi leave but it’s nice she can leave without injury.

Viper vs. Toni Storm (ICW Title vs. SWA Title)
It’s great to see two women who have so much and respect and trust for each other that they can really innovate and take risks in a match. Not every spot in this match worked out as they intended and a couple didn’t work at all but the ones that did, including a piledriver onto the stage and one of the best cannonballs off the apron I’ve seen, as well as the great chemistry between the two created a unique and exciting match. In a rather surprising finish, Viper pinned Toni Storm with a huge diving body press to retain the ICW Title and become the new SWA Champion. 4.25/5

After the match Jungle Kyona challenged Viper to a match for the SWA Championship on April 1st in Nagoya.

Saki Kashima, Mayu Iwatani & Tam Nakano vs. Oedo Tai (Kagetsu, Hana Kimura & Sumire Natsu)
This was Saki’s first match of her return after she left Stardom over 5 years ago. It wasn’t a particularly memorable match, the first few minutes were pretty messy, but it got better as it went on. Saki spent most of the time taking a lot of punishment from Kagetsu and Hana (Hana in particular delivered some very stiff kicks) but she sold well and showed some glimpses of ability and agility. Mayu & Tam were not involved much at all. Kagetsu pinned Saki Kasima after an Oedo Coaster. 3.25/5


Nao Yamaguchi & Ruaka vs. Leo Onozaki & Hanan
Queen's Quest (HZK & AZM) vs. Kaori Yoneyama & Keneisha Moon vs.  Xia Brookside & Bea Priestley  vs. Mari Apache & Faby Apache vs. Team Jungle (Hiroyo Matsumoto & Natsuko Tora) (Tag Gauntlet)
Shiki Shibusawa vs. Starlight Kid (Future of Stardom Title)
Natsumi vs. Io Shirai
Hiromi Mimura & Konami vs. Momo Watanabe & Jungle Kyona
Viper vs. Toni Storm (ICW Title vs. SWA Title)
Saki Kashima, Mayu Iwatani & Tam Nakano vs. Oedo Tai (Kagetsu, Hana Kimura & Sumire Natsu)


A solid first night for Dreamslam, although the main event was a little disappointing.

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